Thanks for checking out our FAQ!

Are you open for commissions?:

✿ Nope, not at the moment! :3 You can always check back here, and follow us on our twitter ‘here’ for any updated commission status! You can also check out our Trello ‘here’ for our current suit queue!

What are the starting prices for commissions?

✿ Our head only commissions will start and $3400 USD, and our mini partials (head, tails, and handpaws) start at $3800 USD! Other parts can be discussed. Not accepting fullsuits at the moment due to lack of space! :’3

Can I just order a tail or paws?

✿ We still love making tails and paws! Smaller goodies like these can be made in tandem with suit commissions, but we may not always be open to making them at any given time. Please check our Etsy Shop for our smaller offerings if you’re interested!

Can I buy a head or partial and get other parts later?

✿ Yes! But please be aware that dye lots between fur batches does change, and may not perfectly match your parts if you are to order it separately later. Please do take that into consideration when ordering a partial!

Do I need a ref sheet?

✿ Unless your commission is an artistic liberty design, you do! We require a fully colored reference sheet with at least front and back view clearly visible, preferably with a side view as well.

What does an artistic liberty commission look like?

✿ An artistic liberty commission is our favorite type of commission! If you’d like to go this route, you can give us a character concept (color theme, animal combo, etc) and we get to go nuts designing and creating a suit for you!

Are artistic liberty commissions cheaper?

✿ Sometimes! They default to our base price for simple species (canine, feline, etc) and only go up in price if you want us to design something more on the complex side!

Can you ship outside the US? 

✿ We can ship just about anywhere! Please check your local import laws for fees and taxes your country might impose before commissioning! :D

I’m not 18 yet, can I still get a commission?

✿ Unfortunately not, you must be 18 years or older to buy from us.